SGA Operations Conference

22 – 24 July 2024
The recent SGA Operations Conference in Nashville, TN, brought together industry leaders and professionals to discuss the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the operations sector. The conference featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops on topics such as safety, regulatory compliance, and operational efficiency. Dozens of vendors were also in attendance and support for this event.
This year’s focus was “Driving Energy Reliability by Strengthening and Growing our Natural Gas Industry” and could not have been more timely. There is a ‘call to action’ for all natural gas professionals: to innovate, collaborate, and lead. Our industry is at the forefront of ensuring energy reliability and sustainability for future generations. We have the power to make a significant impact, and reliability starts with each of us.
Topics to increase reliability were presented by various industry experts. The keynote, ‘Building the Energy System of the Future’ was given by Justin Maierhofer from the TVA. ODIN’s Tom Mumford moderated a panel discussion of high interest on the subject “Introduction to AI and Chat GPT” – all seats were taken for this one. The panel consisted of two human experts, Patrick Blumer and Natasha Vanover, and one non-human, we named Artie.
Attendees had the opportunity to network, share insights, and explore innovative solutions to current challenges in the industry. The event also highlighted advancements in digital transformation and sustainability, emphasizing the importance of adapting to changing industry dynamics. With the SGA’s mission being to continuously educate natural gas energy workers, this was a great event toward driving that direction.
You can view and download the event photos here. We would love for you to tag us on social media and use the hashtag #SGAOpsCon!