Women In Leadership Conference 2023

ODIN Engineers at WILC

07 October 2023

Women In Leadership Conference

ODIN Engineers Attend the Women in Leadership Conference 2023 

Senior Electrical Engineer/Project Manager Shannon Puthe and Design Engineer Dakota Bouret attended the Women In Leadership Conference at the Nexus at University of Michigan Engineering. Shannon was a presenter and discussed her journey to electrical engineering and the many facets that make a STEM career exciting and rewarding.

Shannon relates the following about the conference:

“The presentation went well, and I was asked plenty of questions at the end which was great to see how engaged the audience was. So far, we have met so many accomplished women but a few stuck out to me:

I met another Electrical Engineer who attended my presentation, Tony. She was previously the Vice President of Operations for Kia Manufacturing – she also loves softball and received a scholarship to play in college before suffering an injury which required reconstructive surgery on her face (from being hit with a softball).

The Dean of Engineering at Michigan, Lola, gave a powerful speech that was driven by data regarding women engineers and their recent research made in the medical field on breast cancer.

JD Marhevko is a Vice President of Quality for a German company called ZF Group. She wrote six books, speaks six different languages and lived in Antarctica for a month. She also teaches at Universities on the side at night and has two Master’s Degrees and a PhD.  She is a Mechanical Engineer.

I met a Dentist named Tsitsi who shared a great Ted talk during her breakout session about grit. I think the team would be interested in watching this video: The Power of Grit

ODIN is proud to be able to send our employees to attend various conferences, classes and other events that enhance skills and enable growth and opportunity.

ODIN Engineers at WILC

ODIN Engineers at WILC

ODIN Engineers at WILC